How Do Entrepreneurs Stay Positive?

BY BRAD CRESCENZO| November 11, 2011|

Stay Positive

It’s no secret that starting a business from scratch is no easy task. Entrepreneurs often experience stress far beyond the pressures of a typical 9-to-5-type job. But by learning to work positively, you can redefine your personal reality, as well as your business.

In response to a story we published on how entrepreneurs can maintain a positive business outlook, we asked our Facebook fans to share some of the ways they stay upbeat and productive as they balance their personal and business lives.

Here’s a sampling of some of the best responses we received:

Lovelda Smith: Great music and surrounding myself by positive, inspirational people.

John Mediger: Hope, love, family, friends.

Joel Porras: By having a great sense of humor!

Richard Aghama Okundia: Remember, as a man thinks in his heart so he is; my innate, emotional Intelligence is what keeps my trail blazing.

Sean Paul McCloskey: Gratitude. I appreciate the fact that every day I get to blaze my own trail in the hopes that it will inspire others to blaze their own.

Kartla Nakpil Chin: I remind myself that positivity is a choice I always have.

David Hall: Live life like it’s always the weekend. You are doing something you enjoy, remember!

Andrea Rattray Cunningham: By positive affirmations moment by moment.

Catherine Marie Stillwell: Stay far away from the Debbie Downers or Negative Nancys. I try to find those who are always positive. Like my husband.

Sara M Russell: Gratitude. I appreciate the life I have, the work I do, and the people I have the pleasure of doing it with.
