Technology has allowed companies to evolve, grow and be more efficient. Unfortunately, with all that is great with technology there is still an inherent risk of fraud that comes with it. This guest piece “How Technology is Shaping the Fight Against Fraud” written by BookKeeping Express CEO Keith Mueller on talks about those risks and what small to medium sized business can do to protect themselves from those risks.
Some quick takeaways from the article:

  • Double edged sword of technology gets sharper
  • Improved information security will be a major priority
  • Employee theft and fraud will continue to be a serious threat
  • What can companies do?

Fraud will always be a concern for any company of any size. However, with the right processes in place and a proper management structure with the correct checks and balances will help protect against most risks out there that threaten your business.

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Tax season is upon us, are you ready?