Owning and operating a business is the job that never ends. And even when you spend every waking hour attending to your business’s needs, you may still be left with items on your to-do list.

While every business has its own unique challenges and responsibilities, there are a handful of minor tasks every business owner should do to keep their business running strong. This monthly checklist will help you assess the complete health of your business. After going through each of the items outlined below, you should have a strong understanding of what your business is doing well and what can be improved.

  1. Look over your finances – Take stock of all your outstanding and expected invoices, expenses, bills, payroll, and taxes. You can do this on your own but if you feel like you’re losing grasp of your finances, it’s a sign you need the help of a professional.

  2. Review account statements from suppliers – It’s good practice to review itemized bills to make sure the charges are correct. You never want to give away money you don’t owe.

  3. Analyze your sales data – Compare your monthly sales to the same months in previous years to understand how your business is performing. And also evaluate your year-to-date sales to see how you are progressing toward your goals.

  4. Monitor your inventory – Setup a process to review your inventory, including stock level storage.

  5. Stay top-of-mind with your customers – Consider sending a monthly newsletter to your customers and prospects. It’s a way for you to provide them with free content and stay on their mind.

  6. Use social media to spread the word – Share helpful, friendly information about your company and what you do on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other channels to stay engaged with your customers and prospects.

  7. Evaluate your website traffic – Google Analytics is a free tool that provides a wealth of information about how visitors interact with your website. It’s easy to generate reports that can help you identify how people get to your site and what they do on your different webpages.

  8. Keep on top of industry news – Set aside some time to catch up on the latest news in your industry. You should always strive to be a step ahead of your competitors.

  9. Keep your data safe – Cloud applications are great because they’re accessible from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. But you should back-up the data you’re storing in the cloud onto a desktop hard drive on a monthly-basis.

  10. Talk to your advisors – Whether it’s your bookkeeper, accountant, investors, or a small business group, make sure you regularly check-in with the people who play an important role in your business.

You can use this list each month to quickly check-in on the areas of your business that can be easy to overlook. If you’re struggling to find the time to manage your finances, BookKeeping Express (BKE) can help. Contact us today to request a free consultation.